We have Adult Carers Support workers based in both of our offices. Their role is to provide information, advice and support to carers who reside within the borough of Halton. This can be for carers of people with long-term health conditions or disabilities.

The support we give could be around benefits, adaptations, services, support groups, education etc. We Liaise and advocate with other organisations on behalf of the carer. We signpost/refer to organisations who will be able to offer additional support to you or the person you care for. We are also here to offer a listening ear in times of need.

If you have an issue relating to your caring role and would like to talk to a support worker, or maybe you have just become a carer and are not sure where to turn to, please give us a call on 01928 580182.

View the list below for more Information!

Our Registration Process


Registering as a carer is easy to do and it’s free! You can either contact us to refer yourself or a service may refer you to us with your consent.

Hospitals and GP Practices


We have a GP Worker and Hospital Worker funded by NHS Haltons CCG to help GP practices and hospitals to identify and support carers.

Sharing Information


We share your information with HBC’s Social Care Services and Halton’s CCG, all have processes in place to make sure that they comply with GDPR.

Carers’ Rights


The Carers’ Act (2014) gives local authorities a responsibility to assess a carer’s need for support. It’s important to know your rights.

Carers’ Assessments


Providing care to someone in their own home can entitle a carer to an assessment of their needs which can help them to continue caring.

Carers’ Emergency Plan


If you are looking after someone regularly you may worry about what will happen if you are taken ill, or are in an accident or similar emergency.

Direct Payments


When assessing the impact of caring on your wellbeing, HBC will ask you to complete a short questionnaire which takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Support Plans


At the end of the Carer’s Assessment you will need to agree on a support plan which is similar to the one we complete when you register with us.

Useful Contacts


We have put together a list of useful contacts that carers may come in handy. Just click the link to access the ‘Useful Contacts’ page.