Young Carer Breaks are to alleviate the practical and emotional stress young carers can face when they are engaged in a caring role. Young Carers’ Support Workers can apply to access a break for the young person whilst carrying out the support plan process for individual young carers. A Carer Break is designed to provide young carers with the opportunity to have a break, and/or to remove some of the pressure their caring role may bring.
It is recognized that many parents of young carers would like the opportunity to spend quality “break time” with their caring child. Reasons for funding may include:
- A trip to the Beach
- Going to the Cinema
- Going to see a Concert
- Going to watch a Sports Event
- Using Leisure Activities
- Visiting a Relative/Friend
- A request to pursue a Hobby/Interest

Funding is therefore intended to be used imaginatively; with the main provision being that the break is what the young carer wishes to do. Such as leisure activities, hobbies of interest.
If you would like to know more about the funding please give our Young Carers Team a call on 01928 580182.