We currently support approximately 700 young carers between the ages of 4-17, both individually and as part of their family. You can refer yourself to us to be registered as a young carer or a professional such as school teacher or GP can refer you.
Once you are registered our Carer Support Workers will visit you at home or school, or somewhere else to identify the impact that caring has on you. They will offer services that will enable you to have some for yourself. We will address any instances of inappropriate caring by arranging suitable support for the cared for person.
As many young carers can be disadvantaged by their caring role we encourage them to discuss their feelings and aspirations for the future. We link closely with schools, colleges and GP practices to ensure that the extent of your caring role is understood by other professionals and does not limit your life chances. If you are a young carer you can access our fun day trips with other young carers or as part of your family, funding towards a break, group activities and confidence building courses.
Young Carers registered with ourselves can access our:
- Information & Support
- Young Carers Group
- Personalised Carer Break Fund
- Young Carers Trips
- Training
- Holistic Therapies
- Newsletter
We can also with consent, refer onto other services in Halton for support.

Transitional Young Carers
When you reach 16 we will include you in both young carer and adult carer information and activities and support you during the transition to adulthood as this can be a difficult time for some young carers, especially if you are the only carer in the family.