In-school reviews with a Young Carer Support Worker
We can hold an in-school review which gives the young carer time to talk with a support worker in the familiar environment of school, the opportunity to talk openly about how they cope with their caring role, wellbeing, school and interests.
Also for the Young Carer to receive information on trips and activities to get involved with and help them to create a balance of juggling their caring role, education, socialising and interests.
Facilitate & Support School Groups
School groups are great to meet other Young Carers to share their experience of having a caring role, making new friends to attend Young Carer activities together.
To advocate for the Young Carer if they are struggling or have difficulties in school with learning or sometimes just socialising and fitting in with other students.
As a school if you are interested in having a Young Carers group please get in touch and we can support facilitate this.

Access free support for your students
As a school in Halton you can access free support for your students who are young carers, this includes:
- Young Carers Awareness Training session for staff
- Young Carers Awareness Training sessions for students (school assembly)
- 1-2-1 reviews with your young carers in school
- Outreach stand in schools promoting young carers
- Young Carers Report
- Young Carers Newsletter
If you would like to know more about any of the above please complete the following link and a member of our team will be in touch.
Help and advice to schools
Our Young Carers team can deliver assemblies in school to help identify and raise awareness of the role Young Carers have, we can also deliver this in staff meetings.

Young Carers in Schools
Young Carers in Schools is a free initiative making it easy for schools to support young carers. Several of the schools in Halton including The Heath School, Wade Deacon & Victoria Primary currently hold the Bronze Young Carers in-school award.
For more information please click on the link below and if you are interested in your school applying for this please get in touch with our Team.