At the end of the Carer’s Assessment you will need to agree on a support plan which is similar to the one we complete when you register with us. The HBC (Halton Borough Council) support plan should include:
- What your needs are and how they are going to be met.
- What you as a carer want to achieve.
- If there is to be a Direct Payment, what that Direct Payment is for, how much it will be and how often you will receive that payment.
HBC and NHS Halton CCG invest in a wide range of services that are available to carers and wherever possible will try to meet your needs through those services. This may be by you visiting your GP, coming to our Carers’ Centre or being referred to a service such as the Health Improvement Team, Welfare Rights Team or Telecare service. However, you may have needs that cannot be met in this way. In these cases, and where your needs are ‘eligible’, you could receive a Direct Payment.