Carers can access a day trip to meet other carers and have a break from their caring role. Our day trips are often oversubscribed, therefore we allocate them based on need. This is why it is important to that carers have at least an annual review so that we can assess your needs. In order to ensure that allocation of trips is fair we have produced the following policy:
Trip allocation policy

In the event of a trip being oversubscribed, Halton Carers’ Centre’s trip allocation policy is as follows:
- 1. 1st Priority – Those carers most in need of a break, due to the impact that their caring role is having on them.
This could be a carer who cares for more than 1 person, who has health problems themselves and they may also have children and responsibilities such as work or study. - 2. 2nd Priority – Carers who have never had a trip with Carers’ Centre, including new carers.
- 3. 3rd Priority – Carers who have not had a trip in the previous 12 months.
In the event of there being places left on a trip after the 3 priority groups have been allocated places, we will allocate places to carers who have expressed an interest in accessing the trip even if they have accessed previous trips, however they must have had a carer review in the past twelve months.
Day trips
To view our current trips check our calendar via the website, our recent newsletter or our social media pages. Once you have expressed an interest in a particular trip, you will be notified in writing if you have been allocated a place and will be asked to pay a deposit and complete a Health and Safety form. You will be required to provide details of other people coming with you, including guests who will be charged full price and deposits are required to secure each place. Final payments must be paid 1 week prior to a trip. If payments are not received by the payment date, your place could be re-allocated to another carer. Trips advertised for families, such as Chester Zoo or Alton Towers will not be available to adults only.
Trip Charging Policy
Halton Carers’ Centre receives funding from several sources to provide breaks for young and adult carers. In order to ensure that this money is used effectively, for as many carers as possible we previously asked carers for their views on trip costs. Carers unanimously said that they feel all adult carers should provide a contribution towards a day trip and considered a cost between £5 per person and £12 was appropriate, depending on the overall trip cost and that guests must pay the full cost of the trip.