Registering as a carer is easy and free! If you have received a copy of our information booklet through the post you have either contacted us to refer yourself or a service has referred you to us with your consent.
Upon receiving your details you will be requested to complete a registration form and this can be over the telephone or face to face with a Carers Support Worker if you have called into our office.
If you send us a completed registration we will contact you by telephone within 10 working days to discuss your caring role. During the discussion we will tell you about our services and suggest ways we can support you as a carer.

At the end of the discussion we will agree the things that we will do to support you and we will put this information in your Support Plan. We will advise you when we will contact you again to discuss if the support is helping you, you can ask for a review at any some, as we know that many carers’ situations can change suddenly. It is a requirement that every carer has a review of their circumstances at least annually, when your review is due we will either contact you via phone, text, email or post.