Since April 2015 there are 3 levels of Direct Payment:
- 1. High; A significant impact on a carers wellbeing with a Direct Payment of up to £300.
- 2. Medium; Some impact on a carers wellbeing with a Direct Payment of up to £200.
- 3. Low; Little impact on a carer’s wellbeing. No Direct Payment to be made.

In trying to assess the impact of caring on your wellbeing HBC will ask you to complete a short questionnaire which is widely used and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Support Plan Reviews
A review of your support plan should take place around 6 to 9 weeks after your initial Carers Assessment, either face to face or via the telephone. If your situation has improved, your case will be closed by HBC but you can always contact them again if you need to. If your caring role is still having a significant impact on your wellbeing HBC will look at what else can be done to improve your situation.
Appealing your decision
You can appeal to HBC against any decision throughout the carers assessment process.
The Cared For
The cared for person can also be assessed via a Care Needs Assessment, through the Fair Access to Care Criteria (the national criteria that all local authorities must use to ensure equal access to services). This system makes sure that people in the greatest need get help. It also helps to deliver services in a fair and consistent way.
This service is free and all information is treated in the strictest confidence in compliance with GDPR.